You must never stop doing these.

Favourite Singongo
2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

Our days roll differently despite all of us having 24 hours, but we all have oops, ouch, arghh! moments and we most likely feel like stopping.

And sometimes we might let our days control us, but honestly for how long will you continue being a passenger? If you ask me the time for control is now.

  1. Never stop doing what you ought to do because of fear.

Yes you have never been there might have heard stories, might incur a loss or worse if fail. We become by doing each time we act we get to practice and when we do

Never stop getting into action because with action comes practise and practice builds confidence.

2. Never stop working on yourself.

the world can give up on even proffesionals like Doctors, but not you. Keep on working on yourself. Even it involves doing exercises for 2 mins everyday, reading a book or just making yourself happy.

3. Reading

Knowledge in this era we are in a must, you can’t afford to be sleeping on ignorance. Ignorance is a crime and the moment you turn your back on knowledge you turn a back on your growth now you don’t want be in such a spot.

4. Reaching out to people.

we need each other, why struggle looking for direction when you can ask from the person nearby and quit those eyes rolling smile at a stranger compliment them just be open to meeting new people and bonding with the ones you already no.

I believe these are things you just stop and yes be you you are amazing!



Favourite Singongo

I write about content that help individuals, brands, and teenagers to grow in their personal growth and media platforms.