Something you should know about data literacy.
The food you ate, the clothes you have, the house you live in literally everything around us is data.
And wait even how you are able to read this? because your brain is receiving some form of data let’s say collecting and is being interpreted.
Evergreen some might say, like data fits in every department . For you to do anything there’s has to be data collected even the tiniest encounters you have.
It’s not a matter of computer, that smart guy or girl into tech. It’s for everyone and wait …. For business it’s a prequisite.
And relationships all thrive my on data.
Even personal development.
That tell me more about yourself is data.
That portfolio of yours is data.
It’s mandatory to be data literate. Remember ignorance is a crime.
And don’t say Favourite where do I start?
Read article
Read books
Take courses.
A data literate individual is better off in an ever changing world especially with advancement in technology.