Here’s why you should constantly work on yourself.

Favourite Singongo
2 min readMay 15, 2024


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

many of us associate work with doing hard activities, a career or being in office,pretty much any of those three but not entirely. We are all constantly working towards something!

but what really is work? anything you do (put an input) and get results (output)

office (put in your skills, time and energy) and get (money, satisfaction)

one thing I have come to realize is each time we shun away from something we are working against ourselves.

back to why you should constantly work on yourself. and this applies to any angle.


if you constantly work on your body, you are constantly working on cutting down bills, missing a day at work or making your family worry about you!

2. better equipped for opportunities

you know when you spend 3 hours learning for a year and you give a task to do in 30 minutes, probably be walk over right? it's like you have being building up on doing it but efficiently.

3.attract things to you naturally.

work on your body attract you to the right food and building associations or friendships with the same nature. Instead of worry of dodge James because he’s a junk food freak you have Charlie hanging around you because he knows you love eating healthy so does he. This builds transparency and accountability

4.stand out from average.

you workout everyday and then there’s the one day part, or even practise your craft every day passionately when opportunites comes by you’ll the first pick because it will show you are the doer not a noisemaker

5. deepened problem solving.

because you often practise the next time you find yourself in a similar position it will take you less time and thinking but advanced thinking

6. creativity plug.

when you constantly work on your eating habits you get creative with diet plan, with fitness you explore different workouts and figure out to cater for your own goals and environment, it applies to school too or relationships.

so don’t work against yourself and start working towards



Favourite Singongo

I write about content that help individuals, brands, and teenagers to grow in their personal growth and media platforms.