A mirror only shows you.
I love looking at myself in the mirror maybe it’s just a girlie thing and my niece and nephew have joined me too.
And each time I look at myself in a mirror I always see myself from a different angle.
I’m able to spot my bad sleeping habits because I would have dark circles or if I have a pimples outbreak.
Wait.. I’m just talking about the the bad things? What about the good things?
There are good things as well like neat my hair looks or how my face glows after sticking to a consistent skin care.
But today I want to just bring out something and that’s.
Yes, you saw I started with the bad parts rights because that’s what most people see or at least average. And they just don’t want to look at themselves in the mirror.
Now shhhhh! Listen to me each time you go stand before the mirror it will only show what’s before it.
So stop saying it’s the mirror’s fault it’s your fault for not:
1.Loving what you see there
2. It’s your fault for ignoring good habits like adequate sleep, proper diet or staying consistent with your skincare routine
3. Because you always want to see the good thing.
Obviously we all want but sometimes a pimple would be a sign of growth. Or how you envision you would look into a particular outfit isn’t exactly how you look it’s fine focus on accepting or styling the outfit.
Remember if you’re not happy with what the mirror shows you firstly, see if it’s within your control (sleep, routines) and if it is fix it. Or if it’s not (facial structure, body structure, height) accept it, look at yourself constantly in the mirror till you accept you and girl or boy you will and it’s best thing you’ll ever do.
And lastly lol, I’m sure you have noticed this ever looked at yourself in the mirror for took long and you look less beautiful or cute.
I’m sure you relate so don’t run away and affirm with me.
I’m beautiful even if I can’t see it.
I’m beautiful even if no one else sees it.
I’m beautiful even if I don’t feel beautiful
I’m beautiful and that’s it.
Affirmations?! I love affirmations and remember a mirror will only show what’s before it!