5 things you must know how to do.

Favourite Singongo
2 min readMay 11, 2024


so long as you a human you ought to know how to do these things.

I’m not talking about driving a vehicle or paying bills. These cost dollars but will bring you wealth,

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash
  1. SAYING THANK YOU. this word is underrated but the effect it has on you and whom you say to are numerous. it’s called different words appreciation and gratitude. The best part is you can start with yourself each morning list 4 thungs you are grateful for, before ending your day appreciate atleast 4 people in your life. Do these and see how much inner peace you’ll be filled and being content with you

yes, these three words sentences aren’t for lovers only it's for everyone, tell yourself how you love yourself, your friends, your career, your family. and there are infinity things to love to affirm it state it. motivate others work too!

3.SAYING SORRY. we are constantly wronged and we wrong others. and for most of us we lean on the first group that’s fine but let's focus on the other, when we wrong others, no matter what we must learn to say sorry genuinely and with a change in behavior, learning to say sorry shouldn’t be a scapegoat for excuses instead should show vulnerability and strengthen your relationship with yourself and others


Asking for forgiveness, it starts with you again after apologizing to yourself ask for forgiveness too, to the times you have hurt yourself and others too, do it genuinely and try by all mean to reduce the occurrence of making the same mistake.


male folks gather here, we don’t know everything. We must learn to ask for help, it’s actually a strength and massive things happen when you do it!

don’t forget to try these out!



Favourite Singongo

I write about content that help individuals, brands, and teenagers to grow in their personal growth and media platforms.