3 things I learned when I started out as a social media manager.
- Exploring. Even though you might have the knowledge, the skills, the confidence or the capability if you don’t go in search for placements or opportunities then you will have them decorated and be doing lip services. I explored a wide range of niche, I did massive research and I got out of my comfort zone than ever. Late night, negative feedback, imposter syndrome and a lot of unrealistic offers.
- Continuous learning. No one knows everything but there’s at least someone out there who know a good number of things about different things. Things keep on changing, trends, behaviours platforms. And if I keep the same information then I’m doomed. I had to adapt to learn everyday watch my moves, learn from my mistakes and explore new concepts. I have made it my mandate to learn as I grow. How I managed a page last year is not how I’m managing today, because I have learned, relearned and unlearned from different sources. Even up to now I’m still learning because things are continuously changing I should too.
Leave time for you. Burnouts are not a good thing so is stress. Take breaks, listen to music, take a nap. Just leave time for you. And mostly if you work remotely protect your eyes don’t use your PC or phone for too long. Refresh your mind, that way it’s easier for it to generate ideas. Diffuse it before you can make focus it again. You got that work because of you, so leave time for you. Anyway who is doing the work? You right.
Leave time for you so that your work speaks for you. Invest in your rest, in your health and in your hobbies. Just alone yourself to be with you. Do what you can manage to do, take a break and resume ask for help.
As I work in different niches. I can proudly tell you those THREE things have helped me a lot.
Happy exploring🚀❤️